This is where the Sustainable City begins

Hydropower is ready to be brought into the future. Electromaim has designed, patented, and is ready to distribute and install plug-and-play hydroelectric systems in urban areas, saving costs by using existing water infrastructure.

The world has agreed; renewables are the future. In the solar, wind, and other renewable energy industries, innovation has brought down costs and opened up availability. Just a few years ago, solar power was only viable if paired with millions of dollars in initial investment and tens of acres of land; but now, everyday consumers can make a profit and do their part for the environment with only one or two solar panels installed on their roof.

Why haven’t hydroelectric solutions attained such ubiquity, when in much of the world, water is as readily available as the sun?

We are ready to bridge the divide between producer and consumer, bolster energy security, and produce profitable green energy for the next century.


Everyday, millions of gallons of water are pumped up and down the tall buildings that dot our cities’ skylines. For water to be distributed to every unit of a building with adequate flow, pressure reducing valves help to decrease water pressure as it is siphoned off at each floor. 

Not only is this antiquated system of depressurization energy inefficient, it represents a massive financial loss, as it dissipates the usable pressure into heat that only harms the planet and building owners’ bottom line.

Based on average NYC multi-use building above 49 floors with 10 small PRVs per floor, 4 water stacks, and 4 water zones (vertical). EPA USA average CO e per MWh of electricity.

Our technologies, which work by installing micro hydro generators in place of pressure-reducing valves, can vastly increase the energy efficiency of mid to high rise buildings.

We come from different cities, cultures, professional focuses, and educational backgrounds, but are united in our passion for sustainability.

Come and get to know us!

Our Team

Our Core Values

  • At Electromaim, we believe that without some outside-of-the-box thinking, nothing gets done. We must not only look to solve problems but devise new ways to look at the problem itself.

  • If you want to see something change in the world, you must embody that change. That is what Electromaim is founded on. The idea that we can push past our fears, and build the future we want to see for the generations that come after us.

  • Our mission is to create a meaningful impact on the planet with minimal disruption to the quality of life of our consumers. If we adapt our urban practices, we believe we can create healthier systems that will help humanity coexist with the natural world.

Saving the planet (and your wallet) using only the water flowing through your pipes.