Our solutions use efficient, small-scale, and dispersed hydroelectric generators to provide cost and energy savings to our customers.

Our Vision

We want to be a pioneer in adaptable and cost-effective real estate solutions to the Global Climate Crisis, which is what inspired us to start Electromaim. Our technologies, which work by installing micro hydro generators in place of pressure-reducing valves, can vastly increase the energy efficiency of mid to high rise buildings.

Learn more about our process in the Our Goals section.

  • Understanding that energy transmission and overregulation surrounding it has been one of the largest obstacles to renewable energy production in the U.S. and around the world, our solutions cut out the need for large transmission projects by producing energy in the heart of urban centers —- right where most consumers are.

  • Electromaim’s projected strategy is to utilize outside subcontractors to manufacture our product, then to sell directly to property management firms as well as to value-added resellers such as building energy efficiency consulting firms and ESCOs.

  • New market pressures and technological developments have created an enormous gap in the market for our product.

    Additionally, with an increase in remote work post-pandemic, there has been water flow throughout the day in residential buildings, increasing our solutions’ value proposition.

Competitors in the energy management technology field offer few profitable solutions, and those that are, like solar panels, have a prohibitively long timeline for profitability and are more expensive and invasive to install. Our generators already exist, have been tested, and the installation is simple, but no other company has taken the opportunity nor built the necessary relationships with manufacturers and installers to make this a profitable venture.

We are the only firm to enter the building energy efficiency space with a product equipped to support our specific customer base. Companies like InPipe Energy which have a similar technology are focused on applying it to industrial settings such as wastewater plants, which entails a high upfront investment, intensive installation process, and much larger product dimensions. 

For this reason, we see ourselves less as competing with other hydroelectric solution providers in the market, and more with building energy efficiency technology firms. Yet, even in this broader category, using the top metrics of our customer segment, we outpace our most reputable competitors in GHG reduction, low installment costs, and ROI.

Our awaiting issuance IP also stands to protect our niche from potential competitors. 


Profits depend on the height and size of the building, often breaking even within or slightly after a year. For example, with an Empire State Building sized customer, nearly $1.2 Million of electricity per year could be produced.

For inquiries of possible solutions and their financial benefit for your building or project please press the below button.

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Environmental Implications

Our solutions could be game changers for solving our climate catastrophe. Not only would installation of our solutions be possible through large government investment but as a short term guaranteed investment for businesses to make themselves; bringing a new meaning to personal agency as a part of the answer to the climate crisis.

This will pave the way to spread environmental solutions to nations and communities often opposed to them because of adverse economic limitations. Truly empowering the individual to make their contribution.

Big Picture

The impact of our solutions on a large scale obviously depends on the extent of their acceptance. Meaning: their impact ranges from the low-extent of giving buildings energy independence, to eliminating cities’s and municipalities’s dependence on non-renewable energy sources, even to limiting nations’s and our globe’s reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

That being said, the clear profitability of our solutions present no reason to why wide acceptance of their usage should not occur. Especially when considering the role possible government subsidies and incentives could play, a common tactic used to boost acceptance of solutions much less profitable than ours.